
You can help FACT stay the course towards pursuing its mission. Consider making a donation. Either directly, or by purchasing products through any of the services below.

By shopping via Amazon Smile, 0.5% of the money used to purchase elligible products will go towards supporting FACT. You may even choose to buy and donate items from FACTS wishlist.

With Ebay Giving Works, you can choose to donate to FACT while checking out items, or buy items or symbolic gifts to benefit FACT. You can even earmark a percentage of the selling price of items you wish to sell to help out FACT. Ebay will waive that percentage in sales fees.

The eScrip program is a fundraising program that allows participating merchants to contribute a percentage of your grocery loyalty cards, credit card, and debit card purchases to the FACT.

Get the latest coupons and offers at thousands of top retailers like Amazon, Macy’s, Target and Best Buy. When you shop with Goodshop, a percentage of your purchases is donated to FACT.

 iGive is essentially a store rebate program where iGive members have the opportunity to donate their rebate to FACT. iGive receives compensation beyond the posted donation amounts, and many stores pay to advertise on our site. We manage with a streamlined overhead, and use of the best in automated systems to provide our members and causes with this free service.